This Simulated Patient Encounter maps to Scenario MAT 14 – Nakita Brown – Fetal Distress Meconium on the Elsevier Evolve Platform

Nakita Brown, a 37-year-old African American woman at 40 weeks’ gestation, was admitted to labor and delivery. She was then placed on continuous monitoring after intermittent monitoring began to show increasing variable decelerations. During this scenario, learners must assess and manage the care of a laboring patient during an evolving perinatal emergency.


This scenario must be purchased as part of an Elsevier Curriculum Package. Please contact a SimX sales representative for more information.

Szenario-ID: MAT 14
Sprache: Englisch|German
Patientenalter: Erwachsen
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Raumgröße: 4mx4m
Umgebung: Krankenhaus
Fachbereich: Gynäkologie & Geburtshilfe

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